Reading about Kaia's journey postpartum and her rediscovery of the importance of prioritizing her body first was truly inspiring. It's amazing to see how she found the strength and courage to make that shift. Excellent work, Kaia! 🌟👏

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Thank you so much for reading and sharing these words, Dr. Akusta!

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I love this so much. I love the rediscovery of memory, the journey you bring us on as readers with you. The way the body and the mind changes over time. I love the ways you lean into that and learn to grow with it. Such a wonderful, powerful letter. Also, big yay for the ways weight lifting and working out has helped you through things. As a fellow weight lifter and an exercise enthusiast, it is often the thing I return to when I am feeling most lost, most needing of something sturdy and steady to bring me back to myself. <3

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Emma, your comments on my writing and my journey mean the world to me. I feel that our paths in life criss-cross often and whenever an echo of something in my life resonates for you and vice versa, I am jolted in a profound gratitude for the way the power of our words has brought us together. I can't wait for the day we meet in person and go on a long walk together, our bodies and our hearts.

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I feel this so strongly. I too feel profound gratitude for the way we have found one another and yes, yes, I so look forward to meeting in person and going for a long walk. Forever grateful for you. <3

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Jun 20Liked by Kaia Preus

Kaia, I love receiving your newsletter. I enjoyed it before you took a break, but this iteration feels...right. Your writing in this new chapter has so much life and clarity and I can tell it feels good to you to write in this space. What a gift!

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Katherine!! Thank you SO much for this comment. I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to receive it. You're right––writing now feels good. I'm really glad that translates, and I'm really glad you're here. Thank you!

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So beautifully written- I LOVE the message of BEING THERE IN THE MOMENT!! those float by so fast and you can never get them back. seeing the world through theri eyes is such a gift! Really being there is so important - the rest will wait! So many more need to hear this message!!

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Heidi, thank you!! I am grateful that you're reading along with me and sharing your thoughts on this––you know first hand how precious this time in life is! I love your wording that the moments "float by so fast." It's so true. I'm trying to reach out and grab as many as I can!

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Jun 20Liked by Kaia Preus

Oh you are so sweet! I also like to think of those discovery moments as small invitations from the child to join in their wonder and awe. Like with any invitation, we can accept or decline or totally miss the invitation all together! I am sad for the screen generation... they are missing more than they know! Enjoy the awe moments!

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I love that! Accept the invitation! 🩵 a perfect way to think of it.

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