I also stopped reading for pleasure during the pandemic. Probably because I made the mistake of reading Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel in January of 2020 and felt certain I, too, would end up in a nomadic Shakespeare company scouring vacant towns at the end of time. By the first week of summer in 2021, though, I came across The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller and I devoured it. Then, I read Miller's Circe. I loved them both and I couldn't remember having enjoyed reading for pleasure in such a long time. Now, it's still hit or miss, but I love your analogy to a love affair - a tumultuous journey, perhaps, but we're all in it for the long haul! xoxo

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Haha oh nooo! Your timing of Station Eleven was way too perfect! I haven’t read either of the Madeline Miller books you named, but I’ve heard wonderful things! They must have been magical to pull you back into pleasureful reading!

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Kaia Preus

I always struggled to read for "pleasure" during my time in school. I'm trying hard to reframe reading as a joy and not a task. Looking forward to pt 2!

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Yes! I totally get this. I hope that the waves of reading pleasure find you as you start your grad program this fall!!

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